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Other Signatories
Members of the agreement have full rights of participation in the agreement; each operates either a national section of the APEC Engineer register or a national section of a combined APEC Engineer/International Professional Engineer (IntPE) register; registrants on these national sections may receive credit when seeking registration or licensure in the jurisdiction of another member.
- Australia - Represented by Engineers Australia (2000)
- Canada - Represented by Engineers Canada (2000)
- Chinese Taipei - Represented by Chinese Institute of Engineers (2005)
- Hong Kong China - Represented by The Hong Kong Institution of Engineers (2000)
- Indonesia - Represented by Persatuan Insinyur Indonesia (Institution of Engineers) (2001)
- Japan - Represented by Institution of Professional Engineers Japan (2000)
- Korea - Represented by Korean Professional Engineers Association (2000)
- Malaysia - Represented by Institution of Engineers Malaysia (2000)
- New Zealand - Represented by Engineering New Zealand (2000)
- Philippines - Represented by Philippine Technological Council (2003)
- Russia - Represented by Association for Engineering Education of Russia (2010)
- Singapore - Represented by Institution of Engineers Singapore (2005)
- Thailand - Represented by Council of Engineers Thailand (2003)
- United States - Represented by National Council of Examiners for Engineering and Surveying (2001)
- Peru - Represented by y Peruvian Engineers Association/Colegio de Ingenieros del Perù (PEA/CIP) (2018)